Why rowing?
Why get up before the sun, sometimes in the cold and rain, to work out on the river?
Rowing is a team sport, where you work together with up to eight other rowers to glide in perfect rhythm across the water. It’s also an individual sport, where each stroke you take is an exercise in mental and physical strength and discipline.
Rowing combines the collaboration and accomplishment of team sports with the beautiful PNW outdoors—stunning sunrises, abundant wildlife, and views of the city of bridges and roses.
“Competitive rowing is an undertaking of extraordinary beauty preceded by brutal punishment.”
— Daniel James Brown, The Boys in the Boat
Who can sign up?
Learn-to-Row classes are for adults who have no rowing experience or who are returning to the sport and want a refresher course.
All you need is a desire to learn and have fun!
What will I learn?
You’ll learn rowing basics first on a Concept2 erg (rowing machine) and then on the water. Our classes emphasize technique, safety, and fitness. While our classes focus on sculling, depending on class size you may have opportunities to learn sweep rowing as well.
When are classes?
Our LTR classes run for an entire month, with practices 2x a week.
Due to winter weather conditions, we only offer LTR classes April–October. However, stay tuned for Learn-to-Erg class offerings in the winter months!
What is the cost?
Our LTR classes are $300 for a month of 2x a week, small-class instruction both on and off the water.