Preparing for Class

Before Your First Practice

Join US Rowing

US Rowing provides insurance for you and the club while you are out on the water.

  1. Go to the USRowing Membership Portal.

  2. Under Individuals, click Join if you are new or Login if you are an existing member.

  3. When creating a membership for a youth rower, please use their information but your email so you get the updates.

  4. Search for the club LOCR or Lake Oswego Community Rowing and use our top-secret club code EJPZZ.

  5. Choose Basic membership. 

  6. Complete the registration or renewal process by providing your contact and profile information, acknowledging the USRowing membership agreement and waiver, and paying the $25 membership fee.

Complete Safety Information and Waivers

Note: all rowers except masters are automatically prompted to complete these waivers at registration. If you’ve already filled out the waivers, you don’t need to complete them at the links below.

  1. For new rowers, be sure to complete the following documents before beginning your first class. For returning members, make sure you fill out a new waiver each year and update your medical information as needed.

    Additionally, a USRowing swim test (float test) is required for all new rowers. For the test, rowers will demonstrate the ability to float or tread water for ten minutes, then put on a life jacket while floating. This simulates the amount of swimming you would need to be capable of should you flip in a boat whilte waiting for the coach’s boat to come get you.

    Take a printable LOCR Swim Test Form a Digital Swim Test Form to a local pool or public swimming area. Have a lifeguard administer the test and sign the form.

    If a rower cannot swim, they should wear a PFD in the shell at all times. Inflatable PFDs are an option at our boathouse.

    Note: LOCR often schedules team float tests. Talk to your coach before doing a float test on your own.

Join iCREW

LOCR uses an app called iCrew to take attendance and make lineups for practice. All members need to register for an iCrew account before joining us for a session.

The app is available at, the Apple App Store, or on GooglePlay. To join Lake Oswego Community Rowing on iCrew you will need our club code, roses.

To manage your attendance, go to 'YourHome,' 'Your Attendance Plans,' and check the sessions you will be attending. If you decide to cancel, please uncheck the box so your coach knows not to wait for you. Please make sure you have marked yourself as attending before 6 p.m. the night before. After 6 p.m. the session is locked. You can still attend, but you most likely won’t be in a lineup.

Should the coach need to cancel the session, they will use the text or email option in iCrew to notify you.

Our system is not automated, so if you don't see any teams or sessions showing up after you've joined the club, you can still show up to practice. You'll be able to sign in for sessions after our admin adds you to the team.

Additional Resources

Tips for Rowing Success

  1. Timeliness: We absolutely understand that life (and traffic) happens, and you might be running a little late. Please do not hesitate to reach out if anything comes up! Masters and Youth use Slack for communication between coaches and rowers.

  2. Getting on the Water: The hard and fast rule is that we all launch together as a crew with the Learn-to-Row coach. If you’re running late and the coach’s boat has already left, that practice will be considered missed. Anyone attempting to launch without the Learn-to-Row coach present will be asked to leave the dock immediately.

  3. Flipping: While no one wants to flip, it will definitely happen at some point. If you flip, it’s crucial that you stay with your boat. The shells are buoyant and make it much easier to identify your location. The Learn-to-Row coach always has a ladder in their boat to assist in getting you out of the water. Also, if you notice another rower has flipped, congregate to that spot to draw further attention to their location. In late fall and early spring, having a set of extra clothes down at the boathouse is strongly recommended. Youth can keep a set of clothes in a plastic bag labeled with their name.

  4. What to wear: Rowing is a full body workout, so make sure to wear clothes that you can move around in. Be aware of weather conditions, too—some days you might want lots of layers and a warm hat, while others you might want to bring sunscreen and sunglasses. We recommend not wearing baggy clothing, as loose shorts (like basketball shorts) will caught in the boat wheel tracks and loose shirts or jackets with open front pockets (like a hoodie) can catch the oars. Spandex shorts and other form-fitting clothing is ideal. Hi-vis clothing is also great for being visible on the water. You’ll generally row in just your socks (the boats have built-in shoes), but you can bring slides or other waterproof shoes to wear on the dock and remove once you’re in the boat. You might want to bring an extra pair of socks or other clothes too if you’re heading somewhere right after class—it is a water sport, after all!

Regatta Prep

LOCR participates in both local and regional regattas, and athletes will have the most beneficial experience by competing in all regattas for which they are eligible. Regatta entries and fees are separate from membership fees and will be posted and due several weeks in advance of the actual regatta. LOCR determines regatta costs based on historical cost data and current team size, allowing the cost to be spread equally amongst the entire team.

To race as LOCR, you will need to have a current USRowing membership and up-to-date participation waivers and medical forms.

Rower Safety Resources

Coaches make the final call on whether a practice will be canceled due to weather or river conditions, but please familiarize yourself with these safety resources.

You can also see current weather and river conditions here.

Miscellaneous Forms

If you have issues filling out the above forms, please reach out to your coach or

Where to Find Us

Our warehouse is located at 255 Foothills Rd, Lake Oswego, OR 97034. We will sometimes meet here before heading to the boathouse.

Our boathouse is located on the Willamette River at Roehr City Park, at 350 Oswego Pointe Dr, Lake Oswego, OR 97034. You can access the path down to the boathouse through the parking lot at The Foundry.